We are a Social Enterprise that delivers health care services across Yorkshire and the Humber. Established in 2004 by local GPs in West Yorkshire, we provide both urgent medical and dental services that are in place to ensure people in our communities can receive the right advice, care and support in the right place and as close to home as possible.
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Our Values
Local Care Direct cares about people, including colleagues and patients, and having the right organisational values helps us to do this. So, in 2023 before our 20th anniversary, we started to refresh our values. We wanted them to be shaped by colleagues and we worked together via surveys, focus groups and events. We then finalised our new values into Kindness & Respect, Fairness & Consistency, and Honesty & Integrity. The feedback from employees has been great, and we have heard comments such as “I like it, and I’m pleased to see kindness made it in there. Kindness costs nothing and can make a huge, positive impact” and “It looks great and very in keeping with LCD”.

We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), who is the organisation responsible for ensuring that health and social care services in England provide safe, high-quality care. Our King Street Health Centre was last inspected in January 2019. Our other services were last inspected in March 2021. Please click the image to visit our full reports on the CQC website.